
Spring into Shape

Now that the clocks have changed, nights are lighter, weather is improving (hopefully!!) we can really focus on getting our fitness back on track as I know it can be difficult when it’s dark, cold, damp and miserable outside!

Here are a few top tips for how to get on top of your fitness this spring and come into summer feeling great!

  • Take your workout outdoors, either in the garden or your local park, wood, recreation ground. Use the equipment you find when you’re out and about like benches for tricep dips, steps for running up and down, hills to climb up and run down, use your imagination!
  • Try something new – Join a walking group, gather some friends for a game of tennis, join an outdoor yoga club, dust off your bike and go for a ride! 
  • Mix it up – The best way to keep motivated is by doing different things, so make sure you don’t keep repeating the same exercises over and over as that is a sure fire way of getting bored and losing interest which will then make you give up altogether! 
  • Find a workout buddy that you can train with as this will really help you with staying on track as it’s much easier to cancel or give up when it’s just you, not so much when you’ll be letting your friend down! 
  • Be sure to have rest days as these are as important as the days that we exercise and you will find your workouts more rewarding and successful if you include them!
  • Stay hydrated especially as the weather gets warmer (hard to believe I know!) always carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and sip through the day aiming for at least 2 litres a day! 

I hope these tips help and please feel free to add to them, let me know what your top tips are for spring fitness! 

Have a wonderful week!

Laura xx