As we age we lose muscle and bone mass and this makes us more prone to fractures and developing osteoporosis.
It is therefore incredibly important that we exercise throughout our life to try to combat this and we need to combine weight bearing exercises such as aerobics, walking, jogging, dancing and skipping with weight training exercises using either our own body weight or dumbbells, resistance bands, kettle bells etc.
We also need to eat a well balanced diet including calcium rich foods in the form of dark green leafy veg, omega 3 in the form of oily fish and we need to keep our Vit D topped up which means finding our way outside and grabbing some sunshine, hard at this time of year I know!
Avoiding smoking and limiting alcohol will also help with prevention.
We rarely know that we have osteoporosis until we actually fracture a bone, shocking huh?
So prevention is definitely the way forward!