Hi all,
The weight debate!!
Why do so many of us women think that weight is the be all and end all in the aim to be slim? How many times do you hear ‘muscle weighs more than fat!’ well guess what it doesn’t! 1lb of muscle weighs exactly the same as 1lb of fat!! The difference is if you look at the amount of muscle and fat on the scales then there would be more fat than muscle as muscle is more compact than fat. So transfer this to a womans body and see what you get…..2 women weigh the same but one wears a size 12 and the other a size 8. The woman who is wearing the size 8 is fit and toned and looks like she weighs less than the other woman but because she has more muscle on her she weighs the same. The size 12 woman doesn’t exercise and isn’t toned therefore she looks heavier than the other woman. If you measured the inches on both women you can bet that the difference would be huge, so this is what we should be focussing on inch loss as opposed to weight loss. It would be better to plan to drop a dress size or two and ditch the scales as they really aren’t accurate in assessing how ‘slim’ you are!
I am starting a new pilates class on Thursday 1st March at 9.15 am. This will be at The Christian Centre in Dorking and will run during term time. The cost will be £25 for 5 weeks. there are still a few spaces available so please get in touch through my contacts page if you are interested.
These are going really well and we are receiving great feedback from everyone about what fab results they are getting. If you might be interested in joining our outdoor bootcamps then please get in touch. You can also be given a healthy eating plan to follow if you think that might help you towards your goal as we all know, exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand!
Classes are in the pipeline for the over 50’s. These will include core stability/fitball classes which will be aimed at improving balance, increasing flexibility and strengthening the core section of the body (abdominals, back and pelvic floor!). Also I am considering starting a slightly more energetic class with a more dancey edge to it so if this sounds up your street then I look forward to hearing from you. I would be interested to know what times would suit you best i.e afternoons, evenings, late morning?
Bye for now!
Laura Xx