Earlier this year I was recalled after my mammogram check up as they weren’t entirely happy with what they saw. I returned for a second mammogram only to be told I’d need an ultrasound and a biopsy on that same day.
The results came through from my second biopsy and were inconclusive so I had to return for a third biopsy. Those results came back with some precancerous cells so I was told I’d need a fourth biopsy to go a little deeper to see if there were any more.
I was given an appointment with a surgeon at the hospital to collect the results from my latest biopsy and was informed that I had in fact got high grade DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma In Situ) which means that there are precancerous cells within the breast ducts that haven’t yet spread into the breast tissue but are taking up a large area of the breast. I was then advised to have a mastectomy which as you can imagine came as a huge shock. I was not expecting that.
It took a few days to process this information and tell my family and friends who were all as shocked as I was.
The fact that there is absolutely no history of any cancer in my family and I live a very healthy and active lifestyle, this was definitely not on my radar. It just goes to show that this disease can affect anyone. My only risk factor is my age, being 60 next birthday.
My mastectomy is due on Tuesday 3rd December and as I have opted for a reconstruction using my own tissue, the surgery will take about 6 hours and there will be a 4-6 week recovery period before I can return to fitness. However I shall be doing all of my physio exercises along with walking and general movement as soon as possibly able.
Once the surgery has been done the breast tissue will then be sent off to a lab to be analysed to make sure that there are no actual cancer cell in there. If there are then It will be back for another small operation to remove some lymph nodes to check if it has spread. Obviously that is the main worry now as I have come to peace with losing my boob and having some kind of replacement but it’s the uncertainty of not knowing whether you are going to be given the all clear or not. Fingers crossed that I get good news for Christmas and then will definitely be celebrating with a bottle of bubbly!
I’ll keep you posted and thank you for reading!
Much love
Laura Xx