We are in this for the long haul and not for a short term fix!
There is no end goal, we are on a continuous journey. New habits need to be developed and these take time to become the norm.
Don’t start on Monday or January 1st or next week, or 2 weeks before a holiday, start now! It takes a good while for new habits to stick so be patient and don’t expect instant gratification. Just as new habits take time to stick, old habits die hard! Try to introduce new healthier habits while keeping the old ones and gradually what will happen is that you will start to reduce the old habits and keep the new as you will feel healthier following them!
Small consistent actions on a daily basis lead to long term success and big results but you have to be patient! Rome wasn’t built in a day! Doing something consistently even when you’re not feeling motivated or inspired is challenging but if you can still do it then, imagine how you will feel!
Don’t overreach with your goals, this is the easiest way to lose motivation as you struggle to achieve what is clearly too difficult. I would recommend small goals that are achievable and then reward yourself for reaching them and then move the goal post slightly for the next little goal!
Making subtle changes to your daily routine are easy to do and keep and in time will make a big difference to how you feel. Repeating habits and rituals daily may not sound sexy but it sure as hell works! Clean your teeth twice a day? Jump in the shower every morning? Watch your favourite soap every night? These habits you do automatically without even thinking about it! In time your new healthy habits will also become automatic!
Plan your week and schedule in your workouts, walks, meals etc as it’s easier to stick to something if it’s written down!
Much love!