Are you one of many who go on a diet, lose weight, come off the diet and gain the weight back again with a little extra?
This is so common among women. We think the next diet that comes out will be the one to work! Trust me I’ve tried most of them in my youth Atkins, Slimfast, Weight Watchers, Cambridge, etc etc…..
Until I finally realised in my thirties that they don’t work in the long run and actually cause more harm than good!
So why is it when you go on a diet and lose the weight that the weight nearly always returns with a little bit more as well?!
During dieting, fat loss leads to decreased levels of the hormone leptin which normally signals to your body that you are full. As you lose fat, leptin decreases and unfortunately appetite increases. Also as you lose muscle mass the body tries to conserve energy making it hard to lose weight. When you regain weight you gain more fat than muscle and we know that muscle requires more calories than fat, so each time it gets harder to lose weight!
So each time you come off a diet you end up hungrier and you body burns less calories!
In addition, constant dieting can stress you out which in turn increases your levels of the hormone cortisol which leads to fat being held around the midsection. This then makes you more vulnerable to certain conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, certain cancers etc.
So what’s the answer?
Choose to change the way you eat permanently and do it gradually.
Cut right back on processed foods and sugar and reduce alcohol, caffeine.
Eat whole grains, lean protein, beans, nuts, pulses, lots of vegetables especially leafy greens and always add colour to your plate!
Drink plenty of water as this will help satiate you and watch your portion sizes.
Do not starve yourself but you can try intermittent fasting which works for me.
Eat when you are hungry but stop before you are full.
Stop stressing over food, eat real home cooked food and enjoy the odd treat without guilt!
L Xx