
12 Days of Fit Tips!

Here are my top tips to help you reduce the damage done by the excesses of Christmas…….

  1. Get good quality sleep, especially at this time of year when life is extra stressful! Turn off screens an hour before bed, go to bed at a reasonable hour and sleep in a bat cave!
  2. Exercise daily, it could be just a walk in the park (literally!) Just move more to burn off those extra calories!
  3. Up your water intake to compensate for the upping of your alcohol intake! Keep hydrated and drink water in between each alcoholic drink!
  4. Find some ‘me’ time in every day! Just 10 minutes of meditation, reading, taking a nap, a relaxing bath or just getting outside!
  5. Weight training really helps to burn calories, boost metabolism and release those feelgood hormones so get lifting!
  6. Watch your alcohol intake, choose lower calorie options such as spirits or add soda to your wine to make it last longer! Drink a glass of water in between each drink!
  7. Practice mindful eating. Are you eating because you are actually hungry or just because it’s there? Eat slowly to give yourself time to realise you’ve had enough!
  8. Get outside and soak up some fresh air, improve your energy, boost your immune system and top up your vitamin D!
  9. Don’t beat yourself up, you are going to overindulge so accept it and enjoy it but try to keep it to social occasions and not all day every day! Try to eat well and exercise in between the socials!
  10. Eat enough protein as it fills you up for longer helping you to eat less calories and helps build muscle mass which in turn increases metabolism!
  11. Eat your greens by filling your plate with veggies and aim for a rainbow of colour to counteract all of the beige food on offer!
  12. Learn to say ‘No’! You don’t have to accept every invitation to every party! Look after yourself and make sure you have some free days to recover!

Have a fabulous Christmas and a wonderful new year!

L xx